Saturday, October 12, 2013

Touring Campus

I had an appointment at my new school yesterday, and afterwards we took a mini tour around campus.  They put this sign up in my honor.

I was like, you guys!  Stop it.  I'm blushing.

It felt so appropriate, walking around campus on a blustery fall afternoon.  It also felt odd, going to the admissions office, double checking fees and registration dates.  Lordy, it has been a while, people.

I don't start class until January and I already know which class I'm signing up for.  The goal is to take one class in Spring, one in Summer, then start to double up next Fall.  The theory being to take some time to put my scholastic cap back on and learn how to balance this with work, the thought of which has me thoroughly freaked out a little concerned.

Although grad classes are usually offered at night, the one I'm looking at for next semester is in the early afternoon.  And although grad classes usually only meet once a week, this class is "shared" with undergraduates (unacceptable!) which means it will meet at least two days a week.  Which means I'll need to step things up at work substantially in order to balance everything.  And I'll have homework.  And I'll have a ton of reading.

I'm wondering why this sounded like a good plan...?

But I'm determined.  And motivated.  And excited.  Let me add that it's also nice to wander around a campus buzzing with undergraduate activity and be fully comfortable as an adult.  A nontrad, even for a grad student.  There's something awfully reassuring about knowing how those post-college years turn out.  It's nice to have all those years of transition under my belt (graduation, the job search, marriage, moves, job problems, career advancement, more moves, purchasing a house, traveling).  I don't have to guess about the future.

But then there's this.

Let's hear it for the THREE DAY WEEKEND!

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