Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Fake It Til You Make It

I have slowly but surely filled the house with plants.  I love the way the greenery looks, and I like having lots of "life" around.  I knew G would start to complain about the imaginary bugs, and it didn't take long before he was swatting the air in front of his face constantly. 

I let it go for a while.  I thought I saw something while reading, and then maybe once while watching TV.  Perhaps I found one or two floating in my cereal from time to time, but they could have come in from outside when we left the windows open.

When one flew up my nose, I could no longer pretend it wasn't an issue.  When I caught Lucy with a can of Raid, I knew we would need to take action.

She really is that fat.  And that grumpy.
We contemplated buying the spray-on insecticide stuff, but we have to be careful about things like that with the rabbit; things that might be safe for larger animals could still adversely affect smaller ones.  So, goodbye real plants.  Hello, fake plants.



After trolling around on Overstock's website, I found some good deals on these, and guess what?  No more bugs.  I get greenery and G's blood pressure is back to its normal level, and we are still married.

I may have thrown some additional owls in for good measure.  Thank you, World Market, because one cannot have too many fall decorations.

Now it's back to dusting off our plants, because apparently we are 95 years old.

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