Thursday, October 31, 2013

Something is Eating My Pumpkins

My lovely front stoop decorations have gone from this:

to this:

G thinks it's the squirrels and he's probably right.  He hates squirrels and blames them for everything ("No, G, I really think the fridge just quit working on its own.  I don't think the squirrels in the neighbor's yard had anything to do with it.") and he uses some pretty profane (and yet creative) adjectives when he yells at them.  None of them are suitable for mention on the blog, but you can imagine…

Anyhoo, it doesn't bother me that they are attacking my pumpkins nightly, because, hey, at least they're getting a nice snack.  At least these pumpkins can serve as more than yard ornaments.  In the past, I've bought them, scooped them out and roasted the seeds, but this year I'm way too lazy for that.  I mainly got them as a distraction - so people would look at them instead of our crappy yard.  But now that we've (finally) cleaned up the yard, as far as I'm concerned, the squirrels can have at it.

Pumpkin buffet at dawrighthouse!

In other happenings, look at this:

Couldn't you just eat up those little feet?  This is as close as she will let us get to her, and even then, she looks like she could use a cigarette and perhaps a strong drink.

OK, time to struggle through the work day and then hand out candy to the little ghosts and goblins!  Send me pics of your kids (and you!) in costume.  Hope it's a fun night for you all.

Happy Halloween!

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