Thursday, October 24, 2013

Change is Here

You know how even though life is always shifting and changing, sometimes you just feel it more acutely?  For me, that was today.

A few things that are changing in my life:

This one! 

Why won't this biped just leave me alone?
That is actual physical contact, folks!  Outside her cage!  I'm so glad we caught it on camera because it will most likely never happen again.  Notice that she doesn't look happy but I was over the moon.

These beauties.

Book lovers never go to bed alone

I have traded in several books lately and it was time to renew the queue.  The thought of all these lovelies waiting for me to dive in just warms my book nerd heart.


In what has turned out to be an unexpected balls-to-the-wall diet overhaul, I have started drinking 16 ounces of fresh juice every day.  Although I look sideways at the fruit smoothies (duh), I don't get them very often.  Instead, I go for 100% fresh-made veggie juice at a place near my office.  So far I've tried carrot juice (which tastes exactly like drinking a carrot), and a blend of carrots/beets/ginger/celery (which tastes like dirt).  However.  I am no longer having an afternoon coffee and while this juice is going to take some getting used to, it is definitely giving me an energy boost and a clear head.  Which equals job security and hopefully grad school success.  Forking over $3/day for that is a bargain, in my opinion.


This week I tried a Raspberry Beer mixed with Bourbon and OMG HAPPY FALL.

OMG I know my class registration date.
 AND my first day of class in January. 

For some odd reason, my social calendar is totally filling up for the next few weeks.  The thought of having to squeeze in homework in just a matter of months is, like, severely cramping my style.  I think I'll outsource some of my work to Nat King Cole and G.

Tonight I'm trying a new sushi place with a new peep. 

Also?  She's Russian.  (Sushi with The Russkie!)  And we're drinking infused vodka.  G warned me not to challenge her to a drinking contest, because I would surely lose.  He's very wise, that one.  Because if left to my own devices I would soooo be trying to outdrink everyone in the house.

I have an app on my phone that I actually use.

(Other than Instagram which is the filter for like 99.9% of all pics I use on here).

{My highest-scoring word so far?  Hyena.  49 points, baby.}

G and I continually challenge each other, playing a few words during the work day and then several as we chill at night.  It is so fun!  If you have this app, my user name is Miz Right.  I'd love to play!  (I wrote that I would love to play with you but that just sounds all kinds of wrong and creepy.)

And in other news, we are finally, finally getting a new fridge delivered this weekend.  And we're getting our sprinklers winterized. 

Because it's like a frat house up in here.  Non stop partying and fun.

1 comment:

  1. Lucy loo who is feeling new.
    Insurgent Divergent. Yes!
    Hello Grad school. Enjoy the free-time books now.
    Raspberries in juice or raspberry beer. Tough one. :)
    Sushi barfski.
    WWF - who's winning?
