Other than Christmas, this is my favorite time of the entire year, and so I'm trying not only to enjoy the flavors (pumpkin spice latte!) but also the sounds, the smells, and the way the sunlight plays on the leaves.
As a result of reading The Happiness Project, I have decided that one change I would like to make is to do what I can to make the house feel "homier." And so these days I am making an attempt to merge these two ideas. In my little corner of the world, I am trying to reflect the colors and flavors of the season in my home.
This means that I have baked pumpkin bread and tried a new (magical!) candy corn bar recipe; I am making a concerted effort to have delicious - freshly baked - treats on our kitchen counter. Every week. This means baking. And cleaning. Effort, people.
I have bought a few more decorations and placed them liberally all over the house. I keep a string of lights shining in our front window every night. I bought bags and bags of candy to hand out on Thursday night, and I will make sure all the lights are on and the front door is open so the kids will come. I will also try to give Lucy to a good home - or any home.
I kid.
I sit in the front room every day and listen to the squirrels run through the leaves. I watch my neighbor's tree intently. Any day now it's going to be bare. I bought pumpkins for the front steps and special Halloween napkins. I bought pumpkin beer for Supper Club tonight. I painted my nails orange and gray. Indeed, I am making an effort this season! And you know what? I really enjoy it. This year I am partaking.
Here's a little glimpse.