Don't mind me. I'm just taking a break from crafting the world's best presentation. I even got a little snarky with it - which will either go over well and endear me to my audience, or will go down in a fiery ball of nastiness and cost me 20% of my grade. Go big or go home. That's what I always say.
Actually, not really. I never say that. This is a huge risk for me.
But it seems appropriate, what with "risk" being the overarching theme of my life these days.
What? Risk? No thank you. |
I'm in a very good season of life right now, and I have debated whether or not to talk about it on the blog. First of all, I live my life waiting for the other shoe to drop, which at heart is ungrateful and unChristian. (Doesn't the Sermon on the Mount mention something about worrying? And how it doesn't tend to pay off? Lilies of the field and all that.) Lord knows I don't mean to be that way, but let's be honest, I am.
So when I take the biggest risk of my life since getting married (a great precedent, by the way!) and I realize that the bottom hasn't dropped out after all, and that life really does go on, and that the pieces of my life finally,
at last match the puzzle of my personality…it's downright
shocking. In a pleasant way, of course.
Our first international trip together. Taken during a decidedly unhappy time for me. |
The reason I hesitate to write about this is that happiness is fleeting and temporary and should never be our goal. It is the immature little sister to Joy, Contentment and Wisdom. Happiness was not my goal in leaving my job and opting for grad school and a hodgepodge of 47 tutoring jobs, but so far it's turning out to be a pleasant by-product. And instead of squeezing my eyes shut and waiting for this to end, I'm going to flat-out admit that I'm happy.
The shoe fits and I'm going to wear it.
That said, howwwwww can it only be Tuesday???
And lest you think I'm high-stepping around the house with visions of rainbows and bunny rabbits (har har, see what I did there?) let me just mention that I have to spend the afternoon at the DMV tomorrow.
At the DMV!!
Honkin zipline in Haiti. Good risk. |
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