First things first OMG we got the house.
Everything came together yesterday; the seller is fixing the electrical issue and the appraisal came back at exactly the amount we needed for a loan.
So at the end of this month we close on our new house and thank the LORD in Heaven we'll have the entire month of July to move. You know, just in time for the hottest month of the year. We are geniuses like that. The thought of moving again makes me want to run to Sonic and stay there forever, drowning my anxieties in vats of chili cheese fries with extra jalapenos.
Also, it looks like I'll be applying to a couple of graduate programs for an MA in English.
I was pretty nervous before meeting with an advisor yesterday:
When I walked in and sat down, he goes, "Well, first of all, welcome to the MA program!" I was like, are you joking? He had me confused with someone else. I was like, let me clarify for you, I'm the person who hasn't even taken the GRE yet. Yeah.
I was sitting there in my business attire and he (we were about the same age) was sitting in his shirt and jeans, leaned back basically with his feet on the desk. It's weird: I have one foot in the business world and one in the academic world and yet I'm out of place everywhere. (When I gave him a copy of my resume and business card, he later referred to it as my transcript.)
Long story short, I have decided to give the ol' grad school idea a whirl. I'm not thumbs up or thumbs down, but somewhere in the middle. Thumbs sideways.
Lots of changes in dawrighthouse these days! I'm not sure how we always manage to deal with 500 changes at once instead of spreading them out in a more manageable and efficient way, but this is what I can say: We love Denver. We want to stay here, to settle here, to grow roots here and establish ourselves here.
We have found our home. In more ways than one.
yay & yay!!