Oh, I kid.
Today we did the same thing we do every Sunday: sleep in, have brunch, lay around and read all day.
G got all cray cray and played my fave XBox game of his: Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution. Why is this my fave, you ask? Well I'll tell you! It's because the characters all speak gibberish and the music and sound effects are neat - so none of it distracts me from reading and G gets to play headphones-free. Everyone wins.
The only thing different about today is that we were lazy and opted not to go grocery shopping or to prepare in any way for the coming week. I will regret this in about 14 hours, but for now, sitting on the floor in my pj's, I don't regret it at all.
We also finished the first season of Orphan Black and oh my Lord I have no idea how I'm going to wait practically an entire year for the next season to come out. Geez it's so good. I'm simultaneously thrilled and yet pissed that my co-worker C suggested it to me. She should have had the common decency to wait until at least two, or preferably three seasons were released. Dangit.
In closing, here's some more eye candy from yesterday's hike.
The clock is ticking. We close on the house this week and begin the move. No more walking to work. No more hellacious beginning/end of G's daily drive. No more apartment living. Now's the time for you to buy shares of The Home Depot. You're welcome.
Happy Sunday, peeps!
I can't believe I never saw your apartment!