Thursday, June 13, 2013

False Advertising

I do not look like this when I study for the GRE.

My GRE prep is more like this:

G officially wins the Worst Commute Ever award.  Not only did he have to check the road status in the winter, but now he has to check it because of the wild fires!  At least 2 times a week he has to check the roads first thing in the morning to make sure they will still be open for his commute.  I just shake my head, put on my hiking boots, and walk a couple of miles to the office.

That is short-lived though.  When we move next month, Bunny Mama's walking days are over.  I'll have to drive like a whole 20 minutes to work.  G should appreciate the sacrifice I'm making.  I remind him of it a lot.

The wild fires are really something.  Add this to the list of things I have never experienced before.  When the wind sometimes shifts, smoke blows in over the mountains and the city becomes foggy and smells like a camp fire.  It gets very smoky outside and in some places, ashes fall.

Most days are beautiful though.  Here are some shots of my city.

Thank the Lord in Heaven that today is Almost Friday.  This weekend includes plans for a stellar hike and a new place for brunch.  It just doesn't get any better than that.

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