Sunday, January 27, 2013

On the road (& the wagon) again

Well, G is on the road again.  He made it through VA and about half of TN yesterday.  With fuel from Sonic of course.

I do not envy him the road ahead.  I get exhausted just thinking about what a long state Tennessee is.  At least he can see out the back of his car, unlike when we made this trip together in my car, back in September.

The bad news is that if he ever makes it out of TN, Kansas is still waiting for him.  Geez.

I will spare you some boring shots of laundry, but suffice it to say that Orca and I are buried under clothes - clean and dirty - at this point.  We will finish just in time for G to arrive with his entire stash and we'll start the process all over again.  This may send us to marriage counseling.

Also, starting tomorrow I'm getting back on the wagon (that's the term, right?  Or is it 'off the wagon'? I never can remember.) and walking to work.  The entire month of January has gone by and even my fat pants are getting tight so it's time to get hardcore.

The more days I spend on the couch like this:

Then the more days I need to start off (and finish) like this:

Meanwhile, Orca spends her time like this:

I think it's totally unfair that I have to go to work tomorrow and G will spend the day driving around, listening to his tunes, eating at Sonic, and seeing his grandparents.  I may need to go see a movie today in order to build up the strength to face this week...

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