Monday, January 21, 2013

A New Day

Quote of the weekend:

G:  "Let's get some food and go watch the cattle judging.  AND I CAN'T BELIEVE I JUST UTTERED THOSE WORDS."

See the sticks that the handlers use to gently prod the cow's feet into place?  I need one of those for Orca.  If I threatened her with a stick 400 times bigger than she is, I bet she wouldn't run around the dining room table when I'm giving her the meds.

Another quote from the weekend:

G {gazing at our miniature washing machine}:  "I can see that we're going to have a real laundry problem."


I'm drinking my morning coffee and staring at a pseudo-trashed apartment that must be cleaned and organized before we head off to VA today.  Where are the servants?

Then we have to board this one:

Since we have to take her to a brand new (to us) place, it's easy for me to stress out about it.  I keep telling the poor staff that she's ancient and riddled with geriatric conditions.  They're like, Yes ma'am, we do this for a living, you know...

To calm my nerves, G suggested that we reward ourselves with lunch afterwards:


It's a new day!  No more living apart!

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