In case you're wondering, this is what a slumber party looks like with a college-aged brother and a rabbit. He stays up until all hours of the night, so when I went to bed, I just left Orca out so she could stretch her legs and explore. She loved it. This was how they looked the next morning. And yes, those are Sonic cups in the background.
I need to go on some kind of cleanse or intense detox to recover from the past week of eating. You know it's serious when even the thought of food makes me a little queasy. These were wonderful, though. And counted as a fruit serving for the day of course.
We went to Boulder yesterday and I showed my fam the wonder that is Pearl Street. Mainly I just use that as an excuse to go to Boulder Cafe and order the Southwest Eggs Benedict. I have never ordered anything else off their menu.
I ordered a stationary bike and it should get here this week. How I am going to get it from the main office into our apartment is a complete mystery to me. Not to mention we have zero room for it here, but the thought of burning calories while watching all my shows is appealing to me. Since even my fat pants are too tight these days. Something's gotta give. So it's gonna be more time on the elliptical in our little apartment gym, and sweatin with the bunny here at home.
This is my new blogging spot thanks to our solution to the internet problem. It will take some getting used to, but I'm a very determined person.
Happy Monday, peeps! ((Is there such a thing?))
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