I tried out a new (to me) restaurant last night with a friend:
dbar. The next time all of you come see me, we're going there immediately. The "d" stands for dessert: they have a separate dessert menu for lunch and dinner. Could there
be a more perfect place for me? I mean,
Sparkling Malbec deliciousness. I had two. |
I got there early because I wanted some time to myself to
celebrate. Not only is G almost here, but my little bro accepted a very good job offer yesterday. He'll start a couple of weeks after he graduates in May. This job is an answer to prayer and a solid opportunity for him to launch a career and a future after school. He deserves it and I'm really proud of him. I'm almost proud enough to forgive him for eating Tex Mex without me the other day w/G but let's not go all cray cray.
Also, I was celebrating my own
past struggles. My enemy at work? Is leaving. Permanently. I found out a few days ago and literally sat at my desk, stared out the window at the mountains, and cackled to myself. I took a moment, shook my head, and just relished in it. Then I texted all of you.
I want to be careful about how I word this because God has helped me, healed me, in this particular situation. And it happened a while ago. As happy as I am that the enemy is leaving, I'm more happy that
I have peace. In spite of this person's very deliberate efforts to make me miserable on a daily basis, God used the opportunity to teach me some important things about Him (and me), and he kept this person in my life,
in my face, long enough for me to become immune to it and for my eyes to be opened to other things. If I had to work with this person for another 10 years, I would be A-OK, 100% whole.
But I don't.
Because they're leaving.
And it's so freakin' great. Goodbye, thorn in my side! Happy Trails!
And then I ordered some loaded cheese fries and reflected on another reason to
It's also work related and it's from a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. When we first move to VA, I was just getting "established" in my career. Since I don't even
have a set career, what I mean by that is I was at a point professionally where I was in a good job, with great opportunities and benefits, and I had decided a particular path I wanted to be on. I had a goal.
I was in a peculiar position because I was good at my job and got along with everyone, so I also got all the work. I got noticed by the Head Honcho and began to work directly for him. Lots of visibility! Lots of responsibility! Lots of recognition!
He was a troll.
He was worse than that, but God has also healed me in this area, so I'll be careful with my words once more. Suffice it to say that this boss had anger management problems in a serious way. I was yelled at almost every day for 3 years. I had papers thrown at me, or in my general direction. The straw that broke the camel's back was that I was standing talking to a coworker and he came up and shoved his blackberry in my face. I almost fell down. And then I almost started crying in front of everyone.
To paint the picture for you, I became depressed for about a year. I cried in the car on the way to work and on the way home. In the morning, I would go into a bathroom stall and cry and pray for a few minutes before I started the day. When I got home at night, I would sit on our front steps and listen to the birds chirp and cry for a few minutes and pray before I went inside to get things prepped for the next day.
Like I said, though, that was long ago. Another life.
But I still keep up with a few former co-workers and yesterday, out of the blue, I got the news that the Head Honcho had made a grave mistake. He yelled at "the wrong person" and has been demoted and his career chances are now shot. It's over for him and it's his own fault and he's managed to escape investigation after investigation in the past, but now his time is up.
And that's all I'll say about that.
With no segue, I'll talk about dessert last night because it was a sweet ending to a sweet day. As I ate it I thought of all of you and all your prayers and the past years and all the pain, and I savored every bite.
And pretended I was on Top Chef because mine was called "d=mc2." It was a deconstructed chocolate dessert, people! OMG! The bar at the top left was a chocolate mouse on a peanut brittle crust, with a seam of salted caramel on top and a piece of toffee. Then there was chocolate ice cream atop a crust of some type of magic. And a bar of milk chocolate served with those white crumbles. They tasted like peanut butter air. They just disappeared in your mouth.
I don't even care about the 5 pounds I gained last night.
It was all about the mental weight that I've shed anyways.
:) Cheers!