One thing I l-o-v-e about this time of year is that there are holidays (read: free days off work!) every couple of weeks it seems from Thanksgiving through about President's Day in January. It's *somewhat* harder to get stressed about work because I know there's a free day (or two!) off just around the corner. Combine this with all the holiday festivities and lights and decorations and coziness - it's a good deal, the holiday season.
But yesterday was bittersweet for me. G headed back to VA and we all know that goodbyes aren't my fave. Not only that, but his flight was delayed and so he spent a few extra hours in the airport that we could have spent together but we're both so Type A that neither of us wanted him to leave the airport just in case something changed. It. was. so. blah.
Before he went to the airport, though, we got a call from Orca's vet. Every time G comes here for the weekend, he boards Orca. This is very good for a few reasons. Her vet & the staff love Orca, as is evidenced by the cheesy pictures they take when she's there. Also, the more she is with them the more they are able to observe her and run tests for the bone cancer. She was diagnosed in September and we found out yesterday that the cancer has spread about 25% suddenly. Within the last couple of weeks.
You guys know that we've had rabbits for the past...almost 12 years now. And you know that things inevitably happen and when they do, the end is (hopefully) mercifully quick. But we've never had a blog before. And we've never "opened up" this much about bun buns before. So I feel the need to at least put this out there in the blogosphere, for a moment, because the next few months will be her twilight.
Honestly? I didn't think she would be with us, still, at the end of 2012. Around New Year's last year, in looking forward at what the year would bring, I didn't have a clue about 99% of it, but especially Orca's health. She's such a hardy little thing! Never would I have guessed that she had another year in her. So who knows?
Right now I'm just happy that I'll SEE HER in a couple of days. And then she'll BE HERE PERMANENTLY in a few more. There is grace and mercy in this. At least I get to hold her and love on her and make up random songs about her (Christmas songs are great for that! "Silver Buns," "Have Yourself a Furry Little Christmas," "Rabbits We Have Heard on High!" etc.). At least I get to be with her a while longer instead of separated by all these miles.
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