Thursday, December 27, 2012

On being a single parent

Well, now it is officially just me and Orca.  I haven't been solo with a bun in...about 8 years.  And the last one didn't need 75 daily rounds of meds.

Somewhere in the back of my mind I realize that G has done this on his own with her, in his parents' house, for months on end, but I would rather us focus on the daily sacrifices that I am now making.

Call me Florence Nightingale.

Last night, while watching several hours of Downton Abbey (to tide me over until The Vampire Diaries airs once more) we went from this:

to this:

Notice how Orca doesn't switch up her routine or habits.  I wonder where she gets that from?

As much as I heart the holidays and all the decorations, I needed to do something to satisfy the Type A monster while G was flying back to VA.  Since I couldn't do a thousand loads of laundry (due to the broken washer), taking down the tree and packing up the decorations was the next best thing.  (Sidenote:  in case you're wondering, they are coming by to fix the washer while I'm at work today.  The loss of yesterday's valuable washer hours means that I will have to double my efforts tonight and tomorrow simply to catch up.  My work is never done.  I wish the dang thing held more than 2.5 articles of clothing at a time.  First world problem.)

So now the living room looks partially barren until I pick C up from the airport tonight and make her help me move the loveseat back before I take her home.  I'm a good and reliable friend that way.

I promised her wine and a re-run of the latest Vampire Diaries episode.  She caved.

Time to slog through two more working days until more holidays!  Hope you are all enjoying the holiday vacation with kiddos/family/friends/sleepy times!

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