Last night C and I went downtown to the
Parade of Lights. I didn't take my real camera so all I have are my crappy phone pics to show you, but it was a good time. And I won't talk about how great the weather was.
This balloon was sponsored by the Denver Post. It was much higher in the air but had to duck under that traffic light. |
I told G that I could totally take her if he wanted that light saber. |
C dresses to the nines wherever we go and always looks cute. I am usually wearing sweats (like in this pic) and look old enough to be her grandmother. **sigh** |
This little boy silently waved the whole time. At every float, every balloon, everything. He was so cute. |
The Grand Finale: Santa Claus! How nice of him to take time out of his busy schedule to visit with us for a while. |
TIME FOR HOLIDAY READS-----------------------------------------
Every year I read the same awesome holiday books. I want to add to my collection but haven't found anything good lately. Maybe this year I'll steal G's copy of "A Christmas Carol" and try it out.
This is a must-read, hands down:
Holidays on Ice, by David Sedaris |
This is a series of satirical short stories, all with a holiday theme. In one, he talks about working as an elf in Macy's Santa Wonderland. In another he talks about the time during his childhood when his sister brought a prostitute to their house on Christmas Eve. Although I practically know these stories by heart at this point, I still laugh out loud at his crazy descriptions. His writing is the perfect blend of wit, restraint and sarcasm. He has been compared - more than once - to Mark Twain. Albeit a very...
different...Mark Twain.
This book is short, easy to pick up and put down as you are interrupted, and just as easy to curl up with in front of the Christmas tree after the kids go to bed. You could finish it within a couple of hours, and it provides a nice escape from the holiday madness.
((My only caveat is that David Sedaris is not for everyone. I find him hilarious and brilliant, but there are times that I do so by overlooking a few things. I can certainly understand how some would find him offensive and off-putting. I feel like I need to specify this...But I still love this book and read it every year. :))
What!?!? You haven't read A Christmas Carol!