Sunday, September 25, 2016

Date Night

We didn't do date night last week because of The Great Sinus Infection of 2016. But! Our date night a couple of weeks ago was a big hit. It was G's turn to pick and he surprised me with a trip to El Taco De Mexico. It is tucked into a very busy street corner and doesn't look like much, but the food was fresh, flavorful, and cheap. And the walls were covered with awards and accolades. It was a cute little gem.

The evenings are just cool enough that we chose to sit indoors rather than out on the patio. This is it - the whole interior. In addition to tacos and combination plates, they also offer things like tongue, stomach, and more traditional Mexican dishes that we stayed far away from. I tried to get G to order tongue, but he opted for a burrito instead.

I got the fried pork combination plate and just about died from culinary delight. I basically threw all of this into corn tortillas and then double fisted them. The salsa was more like taco sauce than chopped veggies but it had a serious kick. The key is to not stop eating. The burn only begins when you stop and your tongue has the chance to process the fact that it is on fire.

The intent behind date night is to help us stay connected in the middle of the week when work is insane and the temptation is to go home and crash with our separate tasks. But we also use date night to - sometimes - explore different parts of the city and get out of our usual restaurant rut. Denver has so much to offer; we need to take advantage of it!

It looks like this week will be German food...we'll see.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Sweat Tents, My Beloved Eucalyptus, Etc.

Things were going fine, they really were, until the sinus infection took over last weekend. It's just that time of year when the seasons are changing and there's all kinds of dust and leaves and crap in the air and my sinuses are just like, no. I had a MASS-ahgze scheduled last Saturday and almost cancelled it because I felt so bad, but I've been trying to "feel" my body more, be more in touch with it and not be in my mind 100% of the time, so I went.


It turns out that she massaged my sinuses and showed me how to help clear out the air bubbles and open the pathways! She also recommended some Eucalyptus oil for the shower, but instead, I heated up a bowl of water, put the oil in it, and held regular meetings at my own little Indian sweat lodge all weekend. It helped so, so much.

The worst part was last weekend, but these things tend to drag out, so it took basically all week for me to start feeling normal again. I did manage to finish decorating the house for fall, and look what I got! I couldn't help myself!

Most of  the time she's BFF's with the pumpkin. She grooms it (especially the green stem) and bullies it around.

Sinus infection aside, I love this time of year, and try to stop and watch the seasons change. It's getting darker earlier, of course, but we also get glimpses of the harvest moon.

Ok, loves, I must go occupy myself with brunch and school work until the Hogs game tonight. Delicious, delicious fall.

P.S. Try the Eucalyptus thing.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Our Middle-Aged Baby

During last weekend's grueling vet appointment, we discussed Lucy's age. When we adopted her from the shelter, they guestimated that she was right at about a year old. So, by my (albeit shaky at best) basic math skills, that means she's right at about 4 1/2 years old now. Her vet, though, said their records indicate that she's a little over 5.

That may seem like splitting hairs (or, splitting hares) but it's significant. Domesticated rabbits like Loo Loo Bean typically live up to 7-11 years. Because rabbits act a lot like human toddlers, it's easy to take it for granted that they are much, much younger than they actually are. In fact, a lot of times when I'm referring to LLB and I don't call her by name, I'll either call her a troll...or a baby. As in, "G, it's your turn to feed the baby."

But she's not a baby.

Not only is she not a baby, she's not even a sub-adult or a teenager. Loo Loo Bell is an adult. Furthermore, she's middle-aged, like her parents.

Lucy is the fourth lil rat rabbit we have owned. I need to take this time and adjust my rhetoric to admit that she's a big girl (literally - ha! - but also truthfully). We lucked out with Orca, the little geriatric bunny we had right before Loo Loo Bean, because she lived longer than anyone expected. And I should hope so because it took the two of us and an entire medical staff to manage her drugs.

But Lord help us - and I mean that - if Lucy needs meds at any point while she ages. That will kill us all. So we've cut out all treats and are starting to make more regular vet appointments now (every 6 months, minimum) to be as proactive as we can regarding her health.

So far so good. After all, time flies when nobody's having fun.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Increasingly Orange

The decorations are starting to take over. This makes me happy. The Hogs won (In overtime! Against a ranked team! Now we are a ranked team!) yesterday; a lot of yummy food was consumed; a lot of Vee Dubb has been read; and a long nap was taken today. All in all, it's been a good weekend.

A few random pics:

Saturday, September 10, 2016

It Takes a Village

Today started in the most dramatic way possible, which is to say that we took Lucy to the vet for a routine check-up. And when I say "routine," I mean that we were out of the house by 6:30 so that no one had enough time to truly process what was going on. Her appointment was at 8:00 sharp. In Boulder. <eye roll emoji>

It really does take a village to contain a rabbit. They're small but man they do not cooperate. Especially Lucy. An enraged elephant would be easier to handle. It helps to cover her eyes; she can't run if she can't see where to run to.

What kills me is that she'll let her beloved vet handle her in a way that she would never deign to let us.  He sweet talks her and compliments her coat and the brightness of her eyes, and meanwhile she glares at us like we are indeed the Great Betrayer of Baby Bunnies.

In order to summon my strength, a coffee was necessary.

The inaugural Pumpkin Spice Latte! Although merely a temporary fix, it was a fix nonetheless.

We built in just enough time so that we could sit in the parking lot for a few minutes before her appointment. She hates most things about her life with us, but she loves riding in the car. So we let her enjoy the experience for about 10 minutes. Then we carted her off to her doom.

I refuse to cooperate, dad.
Now we're back home. All three of us are exhausted. A nap sounds like just the thing - and then a college football game!

Friday, September 9, 2016

TGIF, people!

The weirdest combination of cultures I've ever seen.

And I love it.

Konichiwa, and Go Hogs!

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Uh Oh, and No

The first half of the week is insanely busy for me, but as of Thursday mornings, the ole schedule begins to taper. Meaning, I at least have time to make coffee and stare listlessly out the front window for a couple of hours before rushing off to campus and talking about introductions and conclusions and thesis statements (Why, yes, that's the lesson for today. I'm considering bringing fireworks to keep them awake.)

As I sat here this morning, trying to wake up, it occurred to me that I could use this time to begin to sneak fall decorations into the house. G's not here. It's September; the daily temp has dropped below 90 degrees; and therefore there's nothing he can rationally do to stop me.

Look here, loves!

It begins!

I was consulting a student yesterday for my writing job, and he was lamenting how boring his class and teacher are. (In his teacher's defense, the class is a 3-hr Business Law one, so I mean how interesting could it possibly be?) I was telling him about some writing concepts that he might find useful and he goes, "If you were my teacher, it would be a great class!" I was like, "Would you please come be a guest speaker in my two classes?"

Because the harsh truth is that if he were in my class, he would be yawning and staring off into space with the rest of them. I'm hard on them here - hey, it's MY blog! - some of them are great. Some of them are paying attention and I'll hazard a guess that at least half of them are learning things. But I wanted to tell this student that the grass is always greener. And that he probably needs to cut his poor teacher some slack.

And to continue the theme of "no," I have been throwing that word around like crazy these days. I was invited to be on a grad student council (to represent the English dept) to the Dean and Chancellor, which I accepted, duh. But I've also been pushed, rather hard, in the direction of another group on campus, and offered leadership roles, and earlier this week I sat down in a lovely meeting and politely declined everything. This semester I'm trying hard to get out of the center of activity and be more of a periphery type of gal. I function better with just one foot in the hokey pokey rather than shaking it all about, if you will.

This one is very good at saying 'no'
I need to make some revisions to the article I'm trying to publish, and I'm at a loss, a serious loss, of energy and ideas. I'm not sure what I'm going to do and therefore, for a limited time only (because it's due in September) I'm offering all of my King Sooper's coupons AND a free bunny AND all the cash in my wallet (about $7) to anyone willing to finish it for me. Just text me and I'll send you the file.

Monday, September 5, 2016

How Lucy Helps

I know it's easy to think that all Lucy does is lay around on the hearth with her bought friends. After all, that's where she is in most of the pictures that I post here. She really gets around, though, especially when we're home and interacting with her throughout the day.

For example, Lucy has been most helpful over this 3-day weekend.

She helps do the laundry:

She helps do the yard work:

She helps with the dusting:

She cheers on our college football team:

She lesson plans for class, and does her homework, too:

And she helps vacuum, and with general tidying up:

See? No wonder she gets tired!

Saturday, September 3, 2016

A Most Productive Date Night

For date night last week we had dinner at Jerusalem Market next to DU. We sat outside and the weather was perfect. We still have warm days, but the cool breezes start in early afternoon and they make me want pumpkin everything. Although I haven't caved yet. And I'd like to point out that it's currently the third of September and I haven't decorated the house yet. There's not a pumpkin in sight. Nothing orange to be seen.

But, dinner.

The food was good, the location was convenient, and dinner was cheap! We started with hummus and pitas.


It was a night of falafel. G had the sandwich and I had the mixed plate with salad and more hummus. The falafel was flavorful and pretty light.

Check out the beautiful night...

Afterwards we went to Home Depot and they were still selling mulch, so we bought 10 bags. And I was able to make serious progress out back today while G was nerding it up in the Springs. I alternated yard work with V Dubb reading pretty much all day. My back is killing me and I've been foam rolling ever since but it was worth it.

Almost done. So close. The crap pile is getting smaller.
After our mulch run, we stopped by the vet's office where we board Loo Loo Bell when we go on vacation. When we board her, we always drop her off with her special towel from home because it has her smells on it and she's used to it. Every time we pick her up, we discover that they have washed the towel, replaced it with one of their ratty ones, and our deluxe beach towels usually "disappear." Back in June when we got back from Japan, they "misplaced" our last remaining beach towel from Hawaii. We were jet lagged and grumbled about it.

A couple of days ago, they called me and said they found one and would I like to come pick it up? Um, aloha and mahalo, buddy. So now this one can sit on her cage in style once again.

So all is well and we are celebrating the 3-day weekend over here. Hope you're having a good one!

Thursday, September 1, 2016

And Straight On Til Morning

Alternate Titles:

*I, I Will Survive
*I Think I Can, Etc.

But! I love the Disney movie, Peter Pan, where the kids are powered by Pixie Dust (<-- one feels that should be capitalized. One feels Pixie Dust is a proper noun if ever there were a proper noun.) and head off to the island under Peter's direction to fly straight on til morning.

Which is neither here nor there.

I took this pic in front of my "office" this morning. Could you die or what? So beautiful!

The first week back to school (last week) was blissfully uneventful and then this week reality set in. I've had a few days of wide-eyed bewilderment, rushing between classes and work and meetings and chores and emails and planning and reading and homework...and now I think I'm - while not exactly adjusted, which seems to be my go-to word these days - at least surviving effectively.Which is to say that I can string words together into somewhat meaningful sentences while teaching, and I'm also developing the thick skin required to deal with students who: sleep; ignore me entirely; write weird comments (instead of answers) on quizzes; yawn dramatically and repeatedly throughout classes, and much, much more!


Look at the back yard! It's almost as if real humans live here!

I'm sure you remember what a mess it was before, but here's just one teensy pic to put it into perspective and affirm all of my hard work.

Now look!

I finally cleared out the entire mulch bed and trimmed those trees to death (they'll fill out again). I also used a few coats of Deck-Over to seal the old, rotted wood, and to add a pop of color back there. I highly recommend Deck-Over for projects like this. I have no idea how it does on large surfaces like decks, but I can attest to how well it seals and lasts in the CO climate(s).

Tonight G and I are gonna run by Home Depot in the hopes that they still have a bag or two of mulch. If so, that will complete this area. The rest of the yard still needs some hard labor.

I'm proud of this lil beauty. We still don't know what we're going to do with the deck. Let's see if it's still here this time next year...

There's still a lot of work to be done, though. For example, this is my view as I type this:

I'm thinking of just filling it with pumpkins and calling it a day. :)

On the bright side, though, this is me right now! Note the snacky deliciousness!

I do believe I'll just sit here in the most amazing weather and listen to the wind blow through the trees and wait for G to come pick me up for date night.

And tomorrow's Friday, thank you Lord and the Heavenly Host.

Straight on til morning...