Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Life These Days

Although Monday and Tuesday are usually crazy busy and chaotic, they are also the days when I have the most energy of the week.  So I find myself not only working hard, but then coming home and catching up on all kinds of errands and chores for the week.

This system is marvelous until Wednesday, when my energy escapes me and I somehow have to make it two more days until the weekend.  All the more reason why I appreciate our genius Wednesday Happy Hours, by the way.

A couple of new things over here:

1. I got G into Downton Abbey.  We're almost through the first season and in re-watching it, I'm able to appreciate little nuances I missed the first time around when I ravenously watched 75 episodes a day.  I have hopes that he'll watch Vampire Diaries next.  Then The Good Wife...

2. We are taking a weekend trip to explore.  And we're taking Orca.  This should be quite an adventure.

3. I'm almost finished with the second book in the Game of Thrones series.  I cannot put it down and will post a review of it soon.  As much as I try to convince myself that I'll take a break before starting the third book, I know that I won't.  I'll dive in the moment I finish.  Just to be on the safe side, I'll pack the third book this weekend.  Book nerd.  Oh, well.  What can I say?

Cheers to Wednesday!

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