Monday, April 8, 2013

Can we get the senior citizen discount?

Before we headed down to the Dunes on Saturday, Orca had a vet appointment.  The cancer has advanced so much that we no longer take X-rays or blood draws.  We simply monitor her behavior and take her to the doctor every few weeks and keep an eye on her to make sure she's not in any pain.

We really like her vet a lot - probably more than any vet we've had since we lived in Hawaii.  He's a bunny specialist, which is hard to find in these parts, and he's crazy about Orca.  After he checked on her he asked if he could carry her around the office and "show her off" for a few minutes.  They don't get many rabbits so it's kind of a big deal.  Good thing she's used to all the attention.

We sat in the room and listened to murmurs of "Awwwww!  It's a bunnyyyyyy!" and "Hello Orca!"

I wanted to ask if we could get the paparazzi discount.

He basically told us what we already knew:  she's old.

I was like, if you tell us what we already know, do we still have to pay you?

And then we went on a road trip with her.  We had no choice:  she has to get her meds regularly and we have to travel, so...

This is what most of the weekend looked like:

She likes a few tater tots to go with her jalapenos.

Four hours is a long time to ride with a bunny on your lap.

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