After I wrote yesterday's post, I hopped in the car and took C to the airport. It was one of those mornings - nothing specific, but I was just over it already and the day hadn't really even begun. I walked into a bunch of chaos in the office and after a few hours had to dart out for a dentist appointment. As I laid in the chair, I thought about how I had purposefully started the day in a spirit of gratitude, and how quickly it went downhill after I shut the laptop.
Thanksgiving (gratitude, appreciation) is a discipline. I once heard someone say that one of the best ways we can love God back is to thank him for what he has given us. So even though I had spent hours mentally grumbling and grousing, I laid back and thanked him for things, whatever came to mind.
Here are a few things that come to mind right now:
*This one gets out here tonight!
He won't have the bun bun, but that's ok.
*The weather in CO is fantastic. It is beautiful here, like, all the time.
*For as much dental work as I have had (which is to say a boatload), I have been blessed with some of the best dentists ever. I went in for an initial appointment a few weeks ago and the hygienist and I were talking. She was looking over my files, and after a while she snapped the folder shut, looked up at me, and goes, "Well! I see you're no stranger to dental work!" That's putting it lightly, sister.
*I am thankful that today is my Friday!
What are you thankful for today?
Have a very safe and happy Thanksgiving, peeps!
I have a similar experience on days when I purposefully set out to be more patient/understanding/calm/whatever. Almost every time I fall flat on my face in the first 10 minutes.