Thursday, November 1, 2012

Drinks & Dating

Hope you & your kiddos had a great Halloween!

One of my coworkers said that his kids were planning to score as much candy as possible because their dentist's office has a buy-back candy program.  Actual cash in hand - $1 per pound of candy!  And the best part is that the office then wraps all the candy up and sends it to soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan.  I just happened to have a few bags of candy in my office for a candy bowl that still hasn't made its way to Denver, so I gave him all of them.  I was like, I know one guy over there who could use this chocolate!  :)

Spicy Bloody Mary goodness

So get this - I can no longer drink wine.  You know, my beverage of choice.  My go to drink for every occasion.  I don't understand how this happened, and believe me, I've experimented with everything I can think of.  But white, red, champagne...a small glass, or three sips, four me a massive headache.  Is it the altitude?  It's either that or I'm aging, so once again the altitude takes the blame for this one.

I'm going to sound like a lush (and I'm not!) but I am attempting to fill this wide chasm in my life with other spirits.  Beer is great, but not always my fave.  Bloody Mary's - especially in this area - are fantastic but I feel like the sodium will kill me immediately.  The other night I tried a Dark & Stormy:  ginger beer mixed with rum.  Hello?  LUV it.  Whoever came up with ginger beer is a genius. I could have gone without the rum and just had it straight up.

Dark & Stormy deliciousness

In my attempts to stay hydrated during the day, there are times that looking at plain water makes me want to gag and throw myself out the window.  I get sick of it, people.  As good as it is for me, and actually as good as it makes me feel, sometimes I cannot abide another sip.  Also, after hoofing it to work and crawling up several flights of stairs, once I calm down, my body temperature plummets and I freeze to death for about two hours every morning.  So I have taken to heating up water with lemon.  It's a winner: the water doesn't taste like water and it warms me up.

Daily Office concoction

There is also the ol' stand by: the glorious Pumpkin Spice Latte that I will continue to order well into the new year, despite weary looks from the barista.  I have gradually worked my way down to the smallest size, with no whip cream, but that is as far as I am willing to go.

My Fall Lover

And speaking of drinks, I went out on a limb yesterday.

Backstory:  last week, one of the neighboring offices on our floor threw my office a welcome party.  It was a nice, casual shindig and everyone socialized for a couple of hours.  I had a great conversation with one of the girls, and I've been thinking that I should get in touch with her and try to strike up a friendship.  So yesterday I marched over to the office, asked the receptionist to give me her email, and I shot her a quick note.  With my friends spread all over the country at this point, I gotta have something...

People, I swear.  I felt like I was on the dating scene again!  I actually got nervous and started to second guess myself.  Did she really seem to enjoy the conversation as much as I did?  Or was she just being polite?

I really need to get out more.

She responded very enthusiastically, though, and we're having drinks next week!  I'm not a hermit failure after all!  :)  I will continue my drinking experiment...


Look at the guy's expression behind me!  Haaaaa.

1 comment:

  1. I've got a good water-alternative recommendation for you. Try flavored seltzer water - lemon lime is the classic, of course, but Seagram's also makes a citrus one that's very good. Since my pool of available beverages has considerably shrunk over that past 8 months, I've felt the need to branch out a little.

    As for the wine issue . . . give it another try in a couple of months. I bet it's an altitude thing, but once you've fully adjusted, it will probably be your friend again. As for me, I'm looking forward to trying a Dark & Stormy here in a few weeks!
