Monday, November 26, 2012

A Week of Thanksgiving - Red Rocks

The past few months have been so filled with the logistics of moving out here, and then getting everything settled, that I think we lost sight of why we wanted to be out here in the first place.  This is what happens when two Type A firstborns get fixated on a goal.  So we decided that we would take the Thanksgiving break to explore the area - really only scratching the surface - instead of filling the time with more chores and errands.

A few minutes outside of Denver, there is a natural amphitheater created by three large stone structures, known as Red Rocks.  We have heard that it is an amazing place to see musicians, and also that it is open daily for people who want to visit.  So of course we hopped in the car, made a pit stop in the town of Morrison for some Tex Mex fuel, and went exploring.

I can see that this blog is quickly going to get redundant if I keep describing everything as beautiful all the time.  But how else would you describe this?

As G put it, this is probably the only concert venue in America where one has to be physically fit to actually get in.  Check out this incline:

This is how I feel daily when I climb the stairs at work:

Here is the view of the theater looking up from the stage.  We must see a concert here immediately.  Several people, who are apparently insane, were running the stairs, stopping to do jumping jacks or whatever.  Crazy people.

The view of the stage from the top, with the Denver skyline in the distance.

Look!  A celebrity sighting!

 Afterwards, we drove all around creation, going through Evergreen, Jefferson and then miles and miles of high altitude valleys before ending up in Colorado Springs.  Where we shoved in some dinner and then drove home.

It has been a spectacular TG break and I am thankful.  Real life starts up again this morning, in just a few minutes actually, with me going to work and G taking my car in to fix the redneck window.  He heads back this afternoon and then we begin the countdown to his next trip out here.

And the countdown to Christmas!  The decorations are up, the tree is lit, and my annual holiday books are laying on the table just waiting to be read!

How about you?  Are you getting ready for the holidays?

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