But first, look what was on my desk at work yesterday:
To B, Love Damon |
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Yesterday I had lunch with a rep from my college. I have to hand it to them, I have only lived here a little over a month, and I only updated my address with them a couple of weeks ago. They did a fabulous job of locating me quickly and reaching out to me.
Last week, I got an email from a rep asking if we could meet for lunch and catch up on all things Razorback. I wasn't sure what to expect; I'm a member of the alumni association and part of me was hoping they weren't gonna hit me up for money. They would soooo be barking up the wrong tree for that these days. Ha. Seriously.
But she was young, a doctoral student, and was in CO for a friend's wedding. We had the best conversation! We talked about my college town, the campus itself, the recent snafus of our football program...then we branched off into the value of a liberal arts education and how colleges are changing these days. I'm telling you, sometimes I forget how much I truly loved working in the college atmosphere (other than the difficult students, whom I don't miss, not even in the slightest). It was a refreshing conversation and it felt like coming home again.
She left me with a folder full of recent info from the school:
And lastly...I went to the doctor yesterday afternoon because I think this altitude might be killing me. I haven't written about it on the blog, but I have been getting some killer headaches. They are not migraines, but they are incapacitating and I thought it might be some form of altitude sickness. Turns out I was right and I was wrong. A bit of it is altitude and there's nothing I can do about that, other than wait. She said it takes the body about 6 full months, minimum, to fully adjust to the altitude, so I should just hang in there and drink lots of water. Geez, thanks.
But then she said she doesn't think it's only the altitude causing the headaches; she thinks it is the dry climate. She said the dryness affects the sinuses adversely, and even if you drink a lot of water, they remain dry and cause killer headaches. And then she told me there is a very simple step I could take.
I was like, anything! I'll do anything!
Famous last words.
She said that every night before I go to bed, I should rub olive oil all around the inside of my nose.
I'll let this sink in for a minute.
I just stared at her and she said I would be surprised to know the number of people all around Denver who do this nightly, herself included. She said she has lived here for years, and still does it because the dryness affects her.
You guys - I did it last night! I'm trying hard to see if I notice any kind of difference, but so far I can't.
My apartment smells like Italian food, though...
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