Saturday, November 24, 2012

A Week of Thanksgiving - Exploration

Yesterday we got out and about in Boulder and Estes Park.  Look what we saw right off the side of the road:

Aren't they incredible?  We were driving along and saw a bunch of people on the side of the road with cameras.  In true American fashion, we screeched to a stop and ran to join them.  The elk were about 10 feet away from us and didn't bat an eye at their audience.  In fact, they looked rather used to their paparazzi following.  They were a bit too cool for school.  We left when a family showed up and let their kids play video games at full volume.  Classy.

We started the day in Boulder.  The weather was beautiful, as usual, and I wanted to show G the touristy wonder that is Pearl Street.

We had lunch in my new favorite Boulder spot:

G got to enjoy an actual meal.  Quite a change from his sub par TG ham and cheese sandwich.  I had my ol' standby: Southwest Eggs Benedict sent straight from Heaven.

After some milling about, we hit the road for Estes.  The drive was gorgeous and we were those annoying people driving about 20 mph and pulling off every few miles to let cars pass.

These are crappy phone pics, but you can see the mountains in the distance.

On the agenda for today:  explore the town of Golden and do more driving around in nature.  Pretty soon we'll work our way up to, you know, walking around in nature.  :)

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