Monday, June 15, 2015

A Must See Summer Movie

This weekend we went to see this:


Go see it immediately. It is the perfect summer movie. It is a huge nod to the original Jurassic Park movie - which premiered like 25 years ago omg has it been that long??? - and I'm not saying this one is original on any level or that it has any kind of a plot. I'm just saying you need to go see it.

The effects are fantastic and so is the acting. They make up for the total and complete lack of originality - which might sound like I'm criticizing the movie, but I'm not! I loved it! - and the concept of such a touristy, marketing savvy animal park is so on par with what would probably exist if we were able to clone dinosaurs today. My fave line from the movie went something like, "Wait, what? You make new dinosaurs? Like, the other dinosaurs weren't enough??"

And in other news, my lil lovelies are thriving!

I think it's all the rain lately. It rains all the time. I mean, all the time. Not that I'm complaining or anything, because we need the water, but it rains constantly. We went straight from snow season to monsoon season. Whatever gives California its drinking water, right? (<--- sarcasm and bitterness)

I'm getting really good at commuting via the bike. Look for me at next year's Tour de France.

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