Wednesday, June 24, 2015

A "Hare-owing" Storm

Pop Quiz: How fast can you move a rabbit (fully decked out in her cage) into a tornado shelter?

Answer: Pretty darn fast! We made it in under a minute.

Being raised in tornado country (where they have cellars built in underneath the house for this type of thing), I'm not one to overreact to watches and warnings. But. When I received two back-to-back "take shelter immediately" warnings on my phone and it was hailing so loudly outside that I couldn't hear anything else, I decided to wise up.

I'm currently in the laundry room with Lucy.

Like, right now.

Not kidding. I'm blogging from in here. So, you know, if you never hear from me again then take it as proof that I should have gone whole hog into the crawl space.

I'm literally taking pictures and blogging amidst the action. This must be how the reporters in like Syria and Burkina Faso feel.

Lucy and I are having different reactions to this ordeal. I'm wondering how quickly I can run to the kitchen and grab (1) a pint of ice cream, (2) the necessary spoon, (3) and some ginger snaps. Lucy is slowly resigning herself to being in uncomfortably close proximity to her mama.

OK, I opted to run out for the phone transfer wire, my book, and the laptop. Under 10 seconds, easy. All that jogging and bike riding is paying off.

I feel like I should be nominated for a peace prize or something. Maybe a Pulitzer for this post?

In other news, I found out today that I've been chosen to present at a conference in a neighboring state this fall! It's like...official academia or something!

OK, now there's a flash flood warning.

Nice knowing you.

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