And then, it snowed.
We've been sleeping with the windows cracked at night, and the temperature dropped to the 30's. It was a total miracle I was able to get out of bed at all yesterday. Yard work was totally out of the question, so I had no choice but to read all day. In my pj's. Consequently, I finished a novella for the Fem Thought class (The Awakening by Kate Chopin) and started the next Austen book (Emma).
In between loads of laundry, I basically spent the day like this:
Look at all her fur on that pillow. Lutessa (<-- our latest nickname) is molting and there's hair everywhere. She looks like she has the mange.
Other than trying frantically to get ahead on school work, I did manage to be a bit productive yesterday. We bought new glasses to replace the completely mismatched and broken set we've had for, oh, about 12 years. I cleaned our new set and it looks like real adults live here now. With dishes and glasses that actually, like, go together.
Then there was more reading. The bowl in the background? It's from pie. The Pie. I've been eating it every day for breakfast. Whoever decided to combine cherries with white peaches is a complete genius.
I'm down to just one tutoring appointment each week. Consequently I feel like I have all the time in the world. Now that I'm not constantly lesson planning or driving somewhere, the house is cleaner, the laundry gets done, some actual cooking gets done, and the treadmill gets used!
OK, peeps. It's back to yard work today. And planning for classes. I've loafed long enough.
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