Sorry for the silence of late. Things...they are getting rough over at dawrighthouse. I can't talk about it on the blog yet, but things? They're rough.
So let's catch up on life, shall we?
Let's not and say we did |
Still with the nonstop reading and writing. And teaching and grading. And consulting and leading workshops and projects. Bunny Mama is READY FOR SPRING BREAK.
It's freezing all the time. Snowing all the time. We put up these snarky signs on the TA house.
We had The Russkie over for brunch last weekend and
would you believe that these are the only two pics I took? I'm losing my touch. It's unacceptable.
As far as brunch goes, it was relatively low key (read: no alcohol because The Russkie was working after and I had 95 novels to read...and papers to grade).
We had:
*Creamy scrambled eggs with sauteed onions and peppers
*A boatload of bacon (<--we do it WRIGHT)
*Roasted herb potatoes
I'll show this towel who's boss |
I'm so tempted to say that I have finally hit my stride as a teacher, but I think that's because I have a really good group of students. My first class is a bunch of angels...and my second class is exactly the opposite. If I just had my first class, I would get an enormous head and think I was the best teacher ever. If I just had my second class, I would second guess everything I've ever thought about life and education, and most likely hang my head in despair and quit.
Tequila and ginger ale. Yes, and yes. |
More to come, peeps. Please pray for us.
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