Monday, March 23, 2015

Spring Break Day 3

Hello from Day 3 of SPRING BREAK!!!!!!

Today was nonstop excitement. It started with a dentist appointment and culminated in hours of yard work and a trip to Home Depot! Woo Hoo!

We are annoyed to no end by our front yard. See how the grass just ends and there are all kinds of brick and gravel in a strip before the street? Yeah, we have no idea why it's there. Grass won't grow but weeds will, the gravel gets everywhere, and the brick slabs just look tacky. So guess what I started on today?

Btw, this camera angle makes our house and yard (and neighborhood) look WAY bigger than they are.

It will take a season or two for the dirt to disappear under weeds and grass. At this point we don't really care what comes first, as long as it's green. I spent a few hours getting most of the brick up, prying up a major (and ineffective!) weed barrier sheet that's buried under about 6 inches of gravel, and starting to tear out the landscaping metal barrier thingy-s.

Here's the strip of the yard (about 1/5 total) that I finished today. Tomorrow I'm going to spread top soil over it and tackle the next strip.

You can see how much crap is underneath everything. It takes forever to pull up, and since my body isn't used to moving, like, at all, this is a major work out for me. Hold on while I go eat some pie.

When G got home, we ran to Home Depot for top soil, or, you know, dirt. I was whining and complaining about having to spend money on dirt for Pete's sake and G goes, "Well, at least it's dirt cheap!"

BUH DUM DUM! Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

He's here all week, ladies and gentlemen!

And in case you're wondering, our genius bunny has taken to chewing on the mortar. The vet says it's actually good for her teeth. I guess no one is concerned about our decor.

OK, I must go lay down for about 10 hours and let my poor muscles figure out what the heck is going on. Before I go back to it tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. dirt cheap!! HAHAHA! But why are you playing in dirt instead of napping all day?!
