Today is it, folks. We are down to our last pair of clean underwear and everything else in our suitcases stinks to high Heaven. We will spend the day packing, doing homework, trolling the streets & shops one last time, and double fisting the gelato. Tonight is a huge celebration in Old Town and we are going to have a late dinner on the rooftop terrace and watch the fireworks. It will be a nice farewell. To the city as well as to our dwindling funds. The people at our bank are naming a building after us, when it's all said and done.
Then there will be two long blog-less days of travel before reuniting with the surly bun and our beloved Denver.
Last night we rode a cable car up to Srd (Serge), the mountain that overlooks Dubrovnik. Bosnia is just on the other side:
This was the view of Dubrovnik: (see the fortress walls surrounding the city?)
Say a prayer for flights, flights, and more flights. Will blog again from The Land Of No Oxygen!
Safe travels friend!! :)