Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Ready for some Random?

It has come to this.  Pictures of my bathroom trashcan on my blog.  But it's a heart!  And I thought it was cool.
* I have scheduled, designated office hours at the university for the fall.  If anyone needs me, I'll be in the corner breathing into a paper bag.

* We have been back from vacation for a week and a half.  How is this possible?  Where is my gelato?  And my rooftop terrace?  I need to lounge by the Adriatic for a while and ponder this.

* On the other hand, I am in my final week and a half of summer class.  Halle-frikkin-lujah for that, is all I'm sayin'.  The good news is that I'm done with papers!  The bad news is that I'm working on a final curriculum project that is about to do me in.  I have something due every day.  Remember how demoralizing it was in school, when you finished a huge paper or final, only to immediately start on the next one?  That is my daily life.

Doing homework in the airport.  On vacation.  Cue the violins.
* I have developed a heat rash and stress blisters (that's a thing).  It's very random and extremely annoying.  It's also killing any possible thought of working out.  Sweating?  With a heat rash?  Are you insane??

* My summer student count has gone up.  I'm thankful for the "good" stress.  My new attitude these days (Lord, I hope it's here to stay) is to have some perspective and be thankful for good problems.  Good stress is still stress, and I'm feeling it, but I'm all about the mind over matter.

* And I'm all about the white wine in the fridge. #copingmechanism

* We have been in the "new" Denver house for a whole year!  Can you believe it?

 * We are starting to gear up to sell our VA house next year.  So, if you're sitting on your couch with a cup of coffee, mulling over what to pray for?  Pray for that!

 * Would anyone like a complimentary rabbit?  Free shipping to a good any home!

Must apply Benadryl to the heat rash and get crackin' on my homework.  Never a dull moment over here.

1 comment:

  1. i appreciate the heart. I love that you can see the good even in the trash.
