Thursday, July 17, 2014


I want to tell you more about Pula (POOH luh), especially the Colosseum, because it was unlike anything I have ever seen before.

And also because it fulfilled G's lifelong dream of being a gladiator (Russell Crowe).

As I was roaming around the outside ring of the amphitheater, looking at the steps that went down to the tunnels underneath, I would turn around and see this.

And this.

If I made the slightest comment about being a teensy bit hot, or hungry, he would turn to me and in a cold, harsh voice, say, "Are you NOT entertained?????"


Then this happened.

I didn't even see it coming.  I was running my hand over the columns and the next thing I knew, G was dragging me along with one arm, and digging into his pocket for some money with the other.  Then there were guys in fake armor and someone handed me a sword.  That's all I remember.

I wouldn't make a very good gladiator.  G, on the other hand, was in some kind of Hollywood/video game Heaven.

Then we took an open-top bus tour of the city.  As I looked out at the scenery, I occasionally heard G mumble things like, "Proximo.  Are you in danger of becoming a good man?" 

I just ignored him.

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