Thursday, March 20, 2014

T Minus One Day

I would just like to say that I have one more day of work and tutoring before SPRING BREAK HALLELUJAH AND PRAISE GOD.

I plan to spend the majority of my time like this.

And a fair amount of time like this.

With that very same book, might I add, because I have to work on a paper rewrite.  And an abstract for our final paper due in May.  And also, just because, I'm going to re-read The Great Gatsby.  That's just the kind of Type A scared frantic dedicated grad student that I am.  Actually, the book is so phenomenal that I basically flew through it to see what would happen, and the language was so lyrical that I want to take my time going through it again in order to appreciate it more fully.

There will also be a fair amount of this.

Who cares that marijuana is legal in CO?  The real addictive substance is this sugar cookie from Panera.  Just one?  Don't be silly.  Dang they are so good.

Might I also mention that I'm going to knock off some of my March goals, such as re-sealing our kitchen back splash tiles, working out more often during the week (um, easier said than done - see sugar cookie point above), reading our next Lit Society book, making fun of the rabbit, culling through my 500,000 unread magazines, and prepping for a quick trip to see G's family.  Also getting ahead on tutoring lesson plans for April.

Also?  Two dinner dates next week with peeps. 

I could so get used to a life of leisure...T minus one day...and counting.

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