Friday, March 28, 2014

Last Day: A Whole Lotta Nothing Going On

I'm calling today The Last Day of Spring Break because we head out of state for a whirlwind family visit tomorrow.  Although it will be all sorts of fun, it will not be relaxing, so today was it.

To be honest, most of today was spent like this, which is what happens when I really get into a book.  I cannot seem to find my way out again.  And therefore a workout and most household chores simply did not happen today.  Real life will resume quickly enough, so I won't be too hard on myself.

It's so odd to "prepare" for a short flight.  I think my brain is programmed to take every sort of entertainment I could possibly need for the next three days...and it's weird to take a book and a magazine for a simple 90 minute flight.  That's like, nothing.  I can't really comprehend it.

Got together with the Russkie tonight!  We're making this a weekly thing and I'm loving it.  Too bad she's off to The Motherland for the next few weeks.

We had a little of this:

That's not a cigarette to the left.  Or anything else of ill repute.  It's a folded napkin.
And a little of this:

I have heard mixed reviews of the movie, and since I enjoyed the book ever so much, I wasn't sure what to expect.  I knew the movie would be visually stunning and well-acted, but I was curious to see how true it was to the novel.  You guys, it was so good!  It only took liberties with the story a couple of times, and at least those were in line with the themes of the story itself.  And I really enjoyed Leonardo DiCaprio as Gatsby - well done.   The book is always best, but after having been immersed in it for a couple of weeks, seeing it portrayed so respectfully (minus the rap music - come on, Hollywood - I mean, really) on screen was a real treat.

Off to finish packing and then dive back into my Lit Society book.  Will try try try to blog this weekend but one can never be sure when one travels where the internet sometimes cannot will hopefully see you peeps on here after that short flight.  :)

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