Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Getting Into a New Rhythm

"Rhythm" is the hardest word in the world to spell.  No wonder English is a tough language to learn.

That said, I think life is starting to calm down.  Actually, that's the wrong way to phrase it.  Life is as busy as ever but I'm starting to calm down and find my place - and a little sanity - in all this.

I'm reusing this because it's so true.
I am off tomorrow and Friday - HALLELUJAH AND PRAISE GOD - because they are having teacher in-service days at the school.  The kids and I took a moment to dance a jig around the cafeteria today.  I don't know what's more weird - the fact that I really and truly love working with kids (who knew??) or that I'm now used to them calling me "Ms. Wright." As in, "MsWright!MsWright!MsWright!"

This is how I would spend my entire day, if I could.  Which I will tomorrow, until time to go to class.  We are starting on Mr. Hemingway.
Two great things on the job front this week:  (1) I took on a new student and we are gonna have some great academic times together, and (2) my original student's parents asked me to extend tutoring over the summer!  He is making excellent progress and they want to keep it up!  That's great news!

On the down side, when you own two houses (shackled to Uncle Sam for all eternity) taxes are more complicated and take forever.  Please, Lord, let this end soon because I loathe stuff like this.

On the up side, we planned a weekend trip for April!  We are finally getting back to exploring this area and I can't wait!

Lucy will not be joining us on the weekend trip.  We will be begging and pleading Auntie Nat King Cole to come over and check on her.  Wine and other forms of culinary bribery may be involved.
Also I am managing to regularly read a book for fun!  A review coming soon on the blog (read: "soon" = sometime in 2014).

Did I mention that I'm off tomorrow?  And Friday?  Dudes, you know I'm already in my pj's and am eyeing the cheese dip for dinner.  I may chase it down with some donuts. 

Sweet, sweet freedom.  Happy Friday Wednesday!

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