It's going to be this 24/7 for the rest of the week:
The weekend was a good one with the fam. I tried to blog from G's iPad but the internet connectivity wasn't working and I gave up. It doesn't take much for me to give up on technological issues. (Can't find the power button? No problem, just call the whole thing off.)
We stopped to see my bro and his girlfriend for a few hours on Friday. We saw both of their apartments. As we squeezed ourselves onto their miniature furniture, G sighed and said it brought back memories. I was like, "Of what? Last year when we, too, lived in an apartment???" Ha.
Our time in OKC was way too short, then we had to head over to AR for some grand parent lovin's. G's papa is still as saucy as ever, so I had to put him in his place by
He tried to catch me, but a 92-year-old is no match for someone who works with kids first thing in the morning. Mwahahahaha.
How did spring break pass so quickly? When my alarm went off this morning, we all groaned. Even Lucy. I need a life of leisure and I need it soon.
You peeps who are enjoying the break this week are lucky dogs!!!
Off to tutor. Word on the street is that I may have a third student soon. Cross your fingers!