Today we got our first substantial snowfall of the season. Some serious ice, and a few inches of snow, with it continuing to fall most of the day (in our neck of the woods, anyways).
I think the high was 19 degrees today. The low was 8. We were like, 8 degrees? Why do they even bother telling us stuff like that?
We had to venture out at o-dark-thirty this morning to take my car to the shop. What with the snowfall and everything, it's kind of important that my windows stay up on their own. Between the weather and the traffic, it took us for
evs. I then high-tailed it home (again,
forevs) and worked in my pj's.
I know I'm stylin'. Don't be jealous. |
Even though Lucy is nowhere close to experiencing the weather, in her sheltered little yogurt treat world, I do think she can sense when it's time to bed down and stay warm. She was a lazy goose all day today, not even summoning the energy to jump out of her cage and lay down next to her sting ray buddy.
Instead, she made a little den out of her hay and snoozed the day away while mama was on work calls.
Oh crap. Here comes that pajama-clad woman again. |
Hmmm. Maybe she has a carrot cracker? Or perhaps a yogurt bite? |
What? No treat? Go away. |
What's that you say? Tomorrow is Friday?! Oh, yes indeed.
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