I didn't get out of my pjs all day today. It's not that I'm lazy; it's that I don't have the energy or will to do anything. Oh, wait. Anyhoo, I was productive enough yesterday to last all weekend. I prepped all meals for the week AND did a boat load of baking so happy fall and pass the raspberry beer, please.
Zucchini Bread - so healthy it's basically like eating a salad |
A few months ago when we first moved into the house, we had to replace the hot water heater. Our realtor recommended a guy, and he has proven to be endlessly amusing, helping out every now and then with house projects. He's somewhere in his 60's with a rough - and I mean,
rough - Boston accent.
Pak the cah and all that. He talks to himself as much, and at the same volume, as he talks to us. This causes quite a lot of confusion when we respond to something he never addressed to us. A lot of, "what?" and, "Oh! Sorry! I thought…never mind."
He makes such an unholy racket that we actually have to barricade Lucifer so she won't completely freak out. All the clanging, banging, talking, cussing, and sawing is a bit like being thrown into a (profane) Disney movie with no warning.
Continuing what has become the theme of this week's home improvements, a task that was supposed to take a couple of hours yesterday morning ended up taking until about 5:00 last night. By the time we booted him out the door with a baggie of fresh-baked goods, we were all exhausted and eyeing G's supply of Mike's Hard Lemonade.
And what for, you ask?
A humidifier that attaches to the house furnace. The thought is, during the long winter months, when the heat kicks on, it will now blow
wet air throughout the house. Goodbye to reptilian skin and all that.
Say hello to our new air humidifier. The joys of home ownership. |
In other news, I
finished an excellent book (thanks to Nat King Cole - review coming soon), started a new one, dug into the
latest New Yorker, watched G skip around the living room while he hooked up a
new XBox 360, saw
Lucy cuddle up to a discarded pair of my socks and fall asleep, made
no-bake cookies, contemplated exercise, and gazed lovingly at our improved bay window and ceiling beam.
This week *looks like* a remarkably non-busy one for me, so I'm going to try to enjoy the slow pace instead of wishing the week away in my gusto for next weekend.
Happy Veteran's Day to all of you who are off tomorrow! And to all of you who have served America.
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