Thursday, June 26, 2014

Party in the USA

Noddin' my head like, yeah
Movin' my hips like, yeah*

Whew, today was a bang-up day.  Last student sessions, turned in the ol' paper, worked for hours to get ahead on homework, did last minute shopping for vacation, and still managed to blog. 

There's no stopping me.

My "original" student and his family gave me a little vacation present this morning.  He made me a card that said he got me some more "pants" for my trip.  They folded a $20 bill into a pair of pants!  And he wrote me a note and even spelled my name right.  A lot of adults in my life can't spell it right, but this 7-yr-old nailed it.

It was a great way to start the day.

Incidentally, this is what it looks like when G proof reads my papers.  Doesn't he look enthralled?  Absolutely riveted?  See Lucy sulking in her corner?  This is how we live like 99.9% of the time.

And speaking of 99.9% of my life, this, too, is how it is spent.  That coffee?  Is decaf.  Those magazines?  So not for pleasure reading; they're for a tutoring module.

Why did they change their logo to an Oprah quote?  How am I supposed to center that on the Starbucks logo?  It irritates my OCD to no end.  This is as "right" as I can get it in order to be able to concentrate on my reading.

Let the packing begin!  T minus one day.  And counting.

*(Thank you, Miley Cyrus)

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