Saturday, June 21, 2014

Hello, My Name Is: Official Coloradan

It's official, my peeps.  After living here for just under two years, we are no-kidding Coloradans.  How do I know?  Because this morning (a Saturday!), we got up early and headed out on our bikes.  Along with the rest of Denver.

That helmet does wonders for my hair, let me tell you.
I mostly wobble around and try not to get run over by other cyclists, but G is hard core.  He has done triathlons before, and actually clips in to his bike.  I took a great pic of it before we left and then accidentally deleted it off my phone (grrrr) but here's what it looks like:

 Incidentally, this is what I would look like if I clipped in to my pedals:

That's disturbing, I know.

The next time we ride (tomorrow!) I'll take my phone and get some pics of a trail that runs very close to our house.  It's a beautiful ride.  We went, I'd say, about 10 miles and then G worked in the yard while I did homework like a mofracker.  This class is no joke.  I have to do what amounts to an essay each day, either on my own topic or in response to someone else's topic in the class.  It's a killer.

But my little flowers are doing so well!  It's been, like, almost a month and they're still kicking!  Nat King Cole is going to keep them alive while we're on vacay.

Don't mind me.  I live in Denver and ride my bike all over the place.  I'm cool like that.

It's starting to thunder outside and I'm done with my homework.  Know what that means?  It's time to stare at the inside of my eye lids for a bit before I go out for dinner and DRINKS (!) with a friend.

God bless Saturdays.

1 comment:

  1. I have laughed so hard at the disturbing photo. And it's gross. But so funny.
