Thursday, May 22, 2014

Libido Night (or: Aw, Hail)

On my way home tonight, I glimpsed an electronic sign in front of a local hotel that I thought read, "Libido Night!"  In hindsight, considering the good reputation of this family spot, I'm thinking it said, "Latino Night!" but I can't be sure.

Get your mind out of the gutter.  You perv.

For the third day in a row, it hailed to beat the band and the local tornado sirens went off.  This scene is becoming the norm in our front yard.

When the storm fronts move through, it sounds like a war zone.  My flowers have spent the last two days in the garage.  I tell you, nothing out here - including the weather - is done halfway.  It's all the way or nothing.

And speaking of all the way, I'm trying trying trying to resume some sort of workout routine so my heart doesn't forget how to beat.  45 mins on the bike with my latest book.  Done and done.

Oh, and there's this:

Halle and Lujah
I met with my prof this afternoon and he had all kinds of good things to say about my final paper.  Just when I was nodding my increasingly-growing head, he then offered about 5,000 critiques as well.  I was like, "Yeah, OK, well on that note I'll be going!  Have a nice summer!"  I'm holding onto the good and just riding this "A" high for a while.  I live in CO; I'm allowed to talk about being high.

Tomorrow is the last day of the K-8 school until training in August.  This means I intend to sleep a minimum of 12 hours a day next week.  All I have is a reduced tutoring schedule!  Of course, the following week all hell breaks loose with my summer class and the full schedule of tutoring but hey, whatevs!  Then the countdown begins to the TA position, people!

We can't make Lucy Loo, Almost Two rhymes anymore.  She's going on 3.  Mama's little anti-social, feral, snotty bun bun is growing up.

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