C-peep is here for a long weekend and the guys have been hitting the trails while I do fun things like yard work and house cleaning. As I type this, they are cramming down breakfast (before the next hike) and arguing over the best movie endings ever,
like ever. I shouted out, "Shawshank Redemption!" but couldn't be heard over arguments about
Master and Commander, and
Iron Man Three. So I gave up and went back to my cup of coffee. The only thing that truly understands me.
Yeah, it's sort of pretty here. |
We get a bit of snow from time to time. |
G got home last night, took one look at my spray paint job, and headed right back to Home Depot to get another color. So guess what I'll be doing today? In between chores for tonight's Supper Club?
The guys saw a lot of elk in Rocky Mountain National Park. |
This little guy could have cared less - he didn't want to leave his preferred patch of grass. |
I'm really glad C-peep was able to come out and everything, but let's face it, I'm just counting down the days until our
GIRLZ WEEKEND later this summer!
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