Thursday, May 1, 2014

Hot Night In

God bless Thursdays.

Excuse me while I lay out the ingredients to make a honkin' pitcher of sangria tomorrow night.  (That's if I can refrain from guzzling it all straight from the bottle.)

I would just like to say that I have finished my last novel for class.  One short story and critical essay left.  Oh, and about 17 research books and sleepless nights for the final paper.

Everyone has hot dates these days.  Settling on new houses.  G nerding it up.  A-peep and my nephew. 

Glad I can inspire the next generation to get a tattoo.

But, me?  This is as hot as it gets.

Willa and Lucy - my two main ladies
I'm just glad that tutoring is done for the week and tomorrow - hallelujah and praise God - is Friday.  I know it seems, from the blog, that all I think about is school and sleep.  That's because it's true.  I would love nothing more than to present you with exciting accounts of non-stop fun, but that's not how it is.

It is mostly reading and writing.  And teaching others to read and write.  And giving them lots of tests so I can sneak away to pet their animals.

Let the weekend begin!!

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