One of our Denver Christmas Traditions is visiting the German Markets set up on 16th street. When walking around this half-block, you can transport yourself to Stuttgart or Garmisch for a little while.
We got there just as it was getting dark outside.
We walked around and admired the lace, woodwork, steins and finally the FOOD.
Just like last year, G had the curry wurst w/fries and I threw caution to the wind and scarfed down a buffalo jalapeño brat w/fries. We ate in a tent that had live German music (polka for everyone!) as well as beer and gluwein.
The tradition would not be complete without the joy of holiday pastries. And hot chocolate. And then driving around the neighborhoods to look at all the lights.
This is our favorite house to make fun of. Unfortunately tonight only one side of the yard was lit, but they have covered all their bases. They have the star and the angel, competing with not one but two Santas for roof space. One side of the yard is complete with an animal zoo. The other side, which is all dark in the picture, is a full-on nativity scene with more animals (of the manger variety).
When we got home, we indulged in one more "Denver" tradition: our annual Father Christmas, purchased at the German market. These are hand-carved in Ukraine but stick with us because it all makes sense when you buy it in Denver, in pretend Germany Land.
Last year's was a very traditional looking Father Christmas.
This year's is larger and more colorful. We chose him because he reminded us of our Hong Kong trip over the summer - something about the bright colors.
Here's hoping your Saturday night is festive! Gotta go bake cookies now.
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