We woke up to a temperature of -13 degrees this morning. The wind chill in Denver was -31.
That's cold, people. It is the first time I have ever lived in a place that warned of frostbite and avalanches on the local morning news. I was like, where ARE we?! And also, do you think work would pay me for putting my pj's on and crawling back into bed?
As you can see, G was thrilled to start the day by wearing 17 layers on top of his work clothes to brush all the snow off his car. This was after tromping around the house for an hour, in vain, searching for his under armor. While I was sipping my coffee and zoning out in front of the Christmas tree. Pondering the whole getting paid to lay in bed idea. (I eventually decided against it but no promises about tomorrow.)
Tonight when I got home, I really wanted to go for a walk. I have no idea what's wrong with me, but I love walking in the cold. Forget a nice summer stroll, or crashing through fallen leaves in autumn. Give me darkness and freezing temperatures. With enough wool, waterproof and insulated clothes, you can barely feel the cold. Plus, the uncovered parts go numb within seconds and then you can't feel them anyway.
What were they saying about frostbite?
An added bonus? Seeing what our Christmas tree looks like from the outside. Where there is no rabbit hair.
Pretty much the only upside to it getting dark at like 4:15 is that it makes all the Christmas lights pop. There's even a certain charm in one or two lonely strands, tossed half-heartedly across the dead bushes. It's festive. I like it.
And tomorrow is Friday! Can I get a hallelujah?
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