Sunday, July 7, 2013

The part they fast forward

We are supposed to be doing an 8.8 mile hike up a mountain right now, somewhere in the heart of Rocky Mountain National Park.

But when the alarm went off at 6:00 this morning, we looked at each other and said, "no."  Then promptly slept in until 10:00 which is unheard of around here.  Unheard of, I tell you.

The manual labor is getting to me, people.  I thought that gradually taking loads over to the house by car would be the way to go, slow and steady wins the race and all that.  Instead, though, it's making me feel like we're dragging out this process and it will never end.  Once again I find myself sick and tired of my own stuff, grumbling, "Didn't we just downsize?!  Where is all this stuff coming from?!"

The front room is going to be the library.

The books are awaiting their shelves.

You know those home renovation shows?  Where they show you the "Before" pictures, then fast forward through days of work, and then pop right into the beautiful "After" pictures?  We're in that fast forward - inglorious - part right now.

Lucy is no help.  On the bright side, she is getting more comfortable with us.  On the not-so-bright side, this is not to say that she likes us.  We are nothing but a meal ticket to her and she is only in this for number one.

Look at those feet.  Could you die or what?

Check out this awesome sunset - no filters!

Ok, enough procrastinating.  Time to pack up the kitchen.

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