Sunday, July 21, 2013

My Favorite Part (a before & after)

A-Peep emailed and asked me a good question.  She said she knows the moving process is stressful and that we have a lot going on, but are we enjoying ourselves?  Are we enjoying the house?

The answer is, no, we are not enjoying ourselves (yet), but yes, we are enjoying the house.  :)

We are still in that phase all home owners quickly forget once they get settled (I want to make the analogy of a mom forgetting the pain of labor after a few months have passed and she decides she wants another child, but I will refrain, ha).  We are in the phase of stepping over books to search for the trash bag that has our underwear in it.  We are in the phase of smelling said underwear in order to determine if it's clean or dirty.  The Type A's do not enjoy living this life.  Thank God it's temporary.


My favorite part of the entire house is done and it looks great!  Are you ready?



I don't know what it is about us getting strangely shaped living rooms, but this one is as weird and rectangular as our one in VA.  But we were sold on the mantle and the fireplace.

Lucy Loo likes the fireplace, too.

That mantle took about a year off my life, but I love the way it looks.

I have a feeling that things will really start to come together with the house this week.  At the very least we can find all our clothes (and almost all of our undies are clean!  LOL).

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