Monday, July 1, 2013

A Little Bit of Everything All at Once

This is how I feel about going to prep class tomorrow night.

Incidentally it is also how I feel when I leave class.

There is something wrong with spending this much time (and money) to prepare for a test.  It's not the Bar Exam, for heaven's sake.  It's a pointless standardized test that proves nothing and is designed to trick adults.  I cannot abide it.

I try to put my head down and keep moving forward.  I try not to think too deeply about it.

My Happy Place

I have more hope (ironically!) for the math in some ways than for the verbal.  (Words that you, me, and Jesus never thought we would hear come forth from my lips).

With the verbal, I'm having to unlearn what I know and temporarily re-learn a bunch of nonsense.  At least with the math I'll be starting with a clean slate.  I'm like a sponge; just absorbing any random quantitative tidbit that I can.  And that's still not saying much.

The view from the kitchen/dining room down into the living room.  Ugly mantle paint soon to be replaced with awesomeness.

Also we are slowly, slowly emptying the apartment and filling the house.  One random carload at a time.  A little painting here, a little carpentry there.  Be a tortoise, not a hare.  (Points for unintentional rhyme!)

Thank the Lord Jesus and the Heavenly Host that this is a holiday week.  Let's hear it for a Thursday full of manual labor in honor of America's Independence from our pesky mother country.

This week is a little bit of work, a little bit of book club, a little bit of GRE prep, a little bit of baseball, and moving, and renovations, and hiking (14'er this month people!), and a movie, and brunch, and rabbit lovins.

She keeps a wary eye on us.

Oh, I joke.  There will be no rabbit lovins if Lucifer has anything to say about it.  Get it? LucyFur?  Lucifer?

Well, we think it's funny.

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