Saturday, July 20, 2013

The Good Thing About Being Married to a Nerd (+ before & after pic)

There is no question that I am married to a nerd.  A Big Nerd.

This comes with its downsides but I won't talk about those here.  Oh, who am I kidding, yes I will!

For example, I know way more about Star Wars than I care to.  And there is the occasional Thursday night when it's 10:30 and I'm half asleep on the couch, and G busts through the door and gives me the play-by-play of like 5 hours of table top warfare.  My eyes roll back into my head and yet he keeps talking.

Also, I constantly have to watch out for planes, trains, and miniature killing machines which are actually just man dolls.

On top of the microwave.

On the dining room table.

Sometimes when we run errands I get roped into going to nerd stores.

Then there was tonight when we headed to Wal Mart for some essentials and G goes, "Oh!  Let's look at the material real quick."  I was like, say whaaaaa?

He got a few yards of "ocean-ish" material for a sea-based board bored game his nerd friends play on Thursday nights.

Yes, really.

BUT BUT BUT!  There is one major benefit that I have taken advantage of lately.  G is known to say things like, "We should buy a house with a moat and a turret."  And I'm like, mmm hmmm, while sipping my coffee and perusing the latest New Yorker.

Lately he has been on a kick about closets.  The thing is, we have never had enough closet space.  So he kept talking about turning an entire room of the new house into a closet.  At first I was like, we'll see.  But the more I thought of it, the more I was like, why not???  So, we did!



I thought about waiting until it is a little cleaner to post a picture but let's face it, this is most likely the cleanest it will ever get.  But look how nice!  Our own closet with enough space for our stuff!

This was the main priority for the weekend; I had to wear the same thing to work every other day last week.  Maybe they'll feel sorry for me and give me a raise?

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