Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Everybody Say Cheese!

Hello from Madison! Where the first order of business was to try the best beer-battered cheese curds in the country (with a hint of jalapeno, of course).

The cheese here is no joke. We had to cheers with the curds instead of the drinks in order to truly celebrate. We've been laughing because I think when I get back to Denver and people ask how my bro and sil are, I'm gonna reply, "Oh the food in Wisconsin is great!" or "I loved the fresh ice cream!" Remember, B, you are here to see family. Family.

Ok, so speaking of. Here they are in all their computer science-related glory:

That is a green screen on the wall. My bro does a lot of live streaming and the screen allows him to blend in to whatever picture is on the computer, so the view is seamless for his audience. My brother has an audience

Why yes, they do have an entire room full of their computers and equipment that they mostly put together themselves. Case in point, the computer system below is my sil's; she designed and made the entire thing. The parts change color based on what type of work she's doing on the computer.

I was out of my league. I was like, can someone hook me up to the wifi?

More food today, loves.

More. Food.

I'll be back soon, in my stretchy pants.

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